It’s a problem trying to keep a clean house in the fast paced world we live in. My solution for you is a flexible schedule that is not overwhelming. I have made a FREE easy cleaning schedule that’s realistic and easy to implement. Even for those of us who are naturally less tidy.

What is a good cleaning schedule?
If it helps you keep your house clean, it’s a good cleaning schedule. Having a cleaning schedule that seems too overwhelming will not be helpful to you. Cleaning schedules should be realistic and serve as reminders of what needs to be done.
The brain needs lists. If we have lists, our brains don’t have to work so hard to try and remember everything. Our brains will not have to work as hard to keep that information accessible if it is written down.
How do I make a good cleaning schedule for my house?
A good cleaning schedule has three main categories.
I find that my schedule is very similar to a 6/10 cleaning schedule. I break it down just a little bit more by making smaller categories within the “daily, weekly, and monthly” groups. This helps me see specifically what I need to do and where.
The overwhelming stress of running a household is less when you prioritize responsibilities in a cleaning schedule. You can focus on the the essential tasks, instead of the never ending amount of chores. It is also helpful to other members of your household to see the tasks that are a priority.
What is a 6/10 Cleaning List?
The 6/10 cleaning list is for busy households who struggle to keep up on the housework. Similar to the cleaning schedule I share with you, it breaks down each task into priorities. This is helpful for maintaining a tidy house.
What should I be cleaning every day?
This will vary for each home, but many of these chores happen in most homes daily. In the daily category, brake it down even more. Add rooms in your home where the chore takes place. For example: kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, living room. Under these you will add the tasks to complete in each of these rooms on a daily basis. It will look something like this:

- Wipe counters
- Wash/put away dishes
- Wipe kitchen table
- Wash out sink
- Empty Trash
- Clean off command station
- Put away items
- Wipe counters
- Clean toilet seat
- Put away clothes
- Make bed
- Clean off side tables
Living Room
- Straighten up
- Fold blankets
- Put away toys
- Put away books
Weekly Cleaning Schedule
Now look at the weekly category. Add each day of the week under this category. Beneath these you will add the tasks to complete each of the days of the week. These are not daily tasks. The items on this part of the list are weekly tasks. Granted, the occasion may arise when a task from earlier in the week may need a refresher. It is important to include the task on the schedule so that it will happen at least once during the week. It will look something like this:
- clean stovetop & microwave
- Sweep kitchen
- Kids laundry
- Vacuum kids rooms
- Clean Master bathroom
- Vacuum master bedroom
- Wipe surfaces
- Master laundry
- Gather ALL trash-take out
- Vacuum livingroom
- clean kids bathrooms
- Clean guest bathroom
- Clean dog bowls
- Tidy Pantry
- Sweep wood floors
- Sweep laundry room
- Towel and rag laundry
- Clean out vehicles
- Plan meals
- Gather ALL trash-take out
You might be thinking, this does not seem very flexible. However, it is all about mindset. The day of the week that the task is under doesn’t matter all that much. If Monday you aren’t able to sweep the kitchen, don’t stress about one task. Maybe you can knock out another task from a different day on Monday and then sweep the kitchen on another day. Don’t be afraid to switch things around. Accomplish a Friday task on Wednesday instead? That’s alright! Just aiming to check them all off is the goal!
Monthly Cleaning Schedule
Now it’s time to make the monthly cleaning schedule. Make a list of all the tasks you want to happen each month, but don’t need to do every week. Divide these up into 4 week categories. I suggest trying to balance them out. Pick one big job for each week and try not to put them all together. Also, pick some less time consuming tasks for each week. This is how you will keep it from being overwhelming. Here is an example of the monthly tasks on my list:
First, Week 1
- Mop wood floors
- Clean out fridge
- Wash kids sheets (yes, I know most people expect you to wash these weekly, but I’m being realistic here.)
- Wipe down kitchen cabinets
Next, Week 2
- Clean out couches
- Wash master sheets
- Wash bathroom rugs
- Straighten living room bookshelf
Then, Week 3
- Dust living room
- Wipe down appliances
- Clean out pantry
- Clean washing machine
Last, Week 4
- Declutter mail/papers
- Clean Office
Some people might want to add more in the monthly category, or less. My goal is to make it attainable. If I put, clean blinds, wipe windows, dust baseboards, deep clean carpets, etc. I guarantee that it would be overwhelming to me and I would not be able to focus on the simple everyday tasks.
If I’m cleaning the bathroom and notice that the baseboards in there are pretty dusty, I’ll give them a good wipe down. These types of things are in my “as needed” category in my head. This makes my cleaning schedule manageable for me, and it can work for you too!

FREE Cleaning Schedule Checklist
If you want to make something similar to this for your home, I suggest making it in checklist format. Laminate it or stick it in a protective sleeve so that you can use a dry erase marker to check of the tasks. When you mark off a task, it is fantastic motivation!
If you don’t want to take the time to make your own list, I have made one for you! Scroll to the bottom of the post for a free printable cleaning checklist! There is a version already ready for you to use, and a blank version that you can fill out with your own items.
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Excellent practical advice! Well written! Applause needed.😁
Thank you so much!
I like this cleaning schedule and only needed to modify it slightly, as we only have 1 bathroom and no carpet. I also have cats, ducks, and pigs, so I added their care needs on, and it is all looking so manageable now! I was down for 8 weeks surrounding a knee surgery, so the care of the home got backed up a bit, as my husband works hard, full-time and he did what he could, but it was a bit overwhelming to just be thrown into it. I think within a couple of weeks, my home will be looking even better than before I had my surgery! Thank you for sharing your technique with us.
Just thanking you for the free printable of your checklist. I’m in desperate need of a more disciplined cleaning schedule, and my husband and I are going to get into a cleaning routine together, your printable is going to live on our fridge. So thank you, and here’s to new beginnings of having a cleaning rhythm in this busy life!
That is so sweet of you to come back and thank me! I truly appreciate that! I hope that you find the schedule helpful and useful 🙂 Enjoy cleaning with your hubby!
I’m so glad you have found this schedule helpful! 🙂
I resonate completely about dusting baseboards, etc. Many times my eyes have glazed over reading those overly complete cleaning lists and you just don’t even want to begin. I love your practical approach.
Excellent post. I’m facing a few of these issues as well..
Thank you! It’s nice to know we aren’t alone sometimes!
Thank you for making such a realistic cleaning plan. There are so many plans out there that just make me feel like I can’t get it all done in a timely manner due to chasing toddlers, sports and cooking!
So thank you again I agree 100 percent with this list!
Thank you so much!! I appreciate your feedback. We need to normalize realistic cleaning in a house with kiddos!! 🙂
Been needing something like this. My house is overwhelming with 2 kids and having it broken down into days really helps.
So glad this is helpful for you!! 🙂
Thank you for taking the time and sharing this list. It means the world to people like me who struggle with routines!
I’m so glad that it is helpful for you! Thank you for taking the time to come back and comment!
Thank you for this! I’ve given my 5 & 8 year old some of the weekly jobs. This helps a TON!
That’s awesome! I love that you are including them in the house work! Way to go momma!