Have an unpleasant smell in your fridge that makes opening the doors an unappetizing experience? Find out some simple tips on how to get rid of a stinky fridge and learn how to make an easy do-it-yourself deodorizer.
Why does my fridge stink so bad?
Most of the time a stinky fridge is the result of some rotten or spilled food hiding under all the products that fill the shelves. If you want to find the culprit to that awful smell, follow these steps:
Step 1
Remove everything from your fridge. Take every single thing out and place it on the counter. If it is out of date, throw it out.
Step 2
Wipe down the shelves, drawers and cubbies. If they are really dirty, remove what you can and give it a deeper clean in the sink.
Tip: have a bunch of loose crumbs of some kind? Suck them up using the attachment on your vacuum, instead of trying to wipe them all out.
What to use to clean a stinky fridge?
I like to use a natural cleaner from DoTerra with added lemon oil and a microfiber cloth. The lemon oil will help to deodorize, and the microfiber cloth holds onto debris much better than a typical cloth. It also is great for getting stuff up that is stuck. It is important to me to use a natural cleaner in my fridge because I don’t want any chemicals leaching into the foods that we are storing in there.
Step 3
Line your drawers with washable cloths or even paper towels. This makes cleaning up next time a breeze. You simply take them out wash or throw away, depending on what you use. This contains all the bigger messes you might have.
Step 4
Put everything back into the fridge. I try to organize by category. This will help me to keep things from getting lost in the back and ruining.
How to remove smell from my fridge naturally?
I will clean my fridge with the hopes of all nasty smells disappearing, unfortunately refrigerators might absorb the stink, so there may be more to do. Don’t fret, this is easy.
I like to make an easy natural deodorizer for my fridge. You only need three things!
Supplies you need:
Empty jar with a lid
Baking soda
Essential Oils
Step 1: Add about 2 cups of baking soda to a jar.
It can be ANY jar. I used an old spaghetti sauce jar that I washed and peeled the label off of.
Step 2: Add oils to the baking soda.
Add about 5-10 drops of the essential oil of your choice. I chose to use lemon oil and purify blend. These two are great for eliminating smells. You could also use wild orange or other citrus oils. This in combination with baking soda is sure to get rid or your stinky fridge in no time. Baking soda is perfect for eliminating smells because “the chemicals in baking soda are perfect at neutralizing the acids that cause bad smells.”
Step 3: Add lid and poke holes.
Put the lid on the jar and poke a few holes in the top. Ideally you would use a drill to make some perfect tiny holes all over the lid, but I was a bit impatient and just used some scissors to get the job done. Cover the holes with your hand and give a little shake to mix it all together.
Step 4: Put it in the back of your fridge
The hard work is done, just hide your fridge deodorizer in the hard to reach corner of your fridge and forget all about it. You’ll notice a difference in 1-3 days. Open your fridge and be surprised by how well it works!
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