Use this fruit of the spirit puppet skit to bring to life the qualities of the Spirit. Located on a fruit farm, these puppets help younger kids really understand the meaning behind each fruit.
Find inspiration for your Vacation Bible School room set up and check out the skit and printables to go along with it!
Fruit of the Spirit Room Set-up:
Big Heart Farms:

The setting of out VBS room is located on a farm. The entrance to our room is the front of a barn. We built this using cardboard, red bulletin board paper, and white bulletin board boarder for the white strips.
We put bails of hay out from along with baskets of fruit that matched up with the fruit of the spirit posters.
The wheel barrow is full of goodie bags for each child. We gave it to them when they come visit “the farm” and watch our skit. On the front of each bag is a “Big Heart Farms” sticker we printed on labels.
We hung the banner, “Big Heart Farms,” above the barn as the name of our farm, which is mentioned in the skit.
Fruit Stands and Kids Seating

Inside, the room transforms into a fruit farm.
Hand out ideas:
- Fruit of the Spirit Stampers
- Fruit “Squishy” Toys
- Fruit Scented Markers
- Fruit Scented Play-doh
- Fruit Snacks
- Make your own fruit stickers
We make the fruit stands out of free pallets.
Each stand has one full pallet as the front, and a pallet cut in half as the side portions. Attached to the top are a few boards to make it have a “counter” and a “sign” to be able to attach the fruit posters.
They were heavy, but cheap and simple.
The kids came in and sat on hay bales that were sitting on top of a turf type rug. Unfortunately, we had some kids who couldn’t sit on the hay because of allergies. It was also a huge pain to clean up. My advice, don’t use hay. It truly did make the room more “farm-like” but I’m not sure that it was worth the hassle.
The kids probably would have been just as happy to sit on the green turf that looked like grass.
Farm Mural and Props

Behind where the kids sat, is a farm mural hanging up on the wall. We use a paint drop cloth painted to look like a field.
The field is a field of watermelons. The watermelons are just beachballs that look like watermelons. This was a super easy prop and really made the field come to life in the room.
Around the room are baskets full of fruit to make the scene feel complete. We used plastic fruit and harvest baskets.
Tip: Fill up the bottom of the baskets with paper or fabric that is the same color as the fruit you plan to put in that basket. This will “fill” up the baskets and allow the fruit to go further in the decorating. Top of the paper/fabric filled baskets with the fruit.
Skit Area:

We set up the puppet “stage” at the front of the room. Thankfully, it was already made and often used at our church. It’s made it out of PVC pipes and black fabric for the curtains.
Skit Summary
The puppets are out on a fruit farm planning for the harvest. Each puppet has a problem, but each can be fixed by having the fruits of the spirit. Dan, the main farmer, who reads his Bible every day, helps each puppet, and the crowd, learn about the fruits of the spirit by teaching about someone in the Bible who is a good example of displaying each fruit. In the end, Dan shares that the ultimate example of the fruits of the spirit is Jesus.

Fruit of the Spirit Puppet Skit
This skit is designed for ages 5-11, but is enjoyable for all ages!
Run time: 12-15 Minutes
An affordable price of: $2.00
Fruit of the Spirit Skit VBS Room Bundle
Included in this bundle:
1Big Heart Farms Sign (rounded and square corners):
Perfect for displaying on doors can be printed small or enlarged.
-Big Heart Farms Sticker Labels (print on this size label)
We used to attach to the outside of the goodie bags, but could be used for so many different things!
-Big Heart Farms Banner (two styles)
This is what is hanging at the top of the barn. One comes with a farm background, one with the black chalk background.
-Fruit of the Spirit Signs (9 total)
chalkboard signs perfect for displaying on the fruit stands or any other place in your “fruit farm!”
-Fruit of the Spirit Puppet Skit
Same skit as above, included in this bundle!
An affordable price of: $10.00
During VBS
Dress up in your overalls and plaid to bring the farm vibe to life.
Don’t forget to sing the fruit of the Spirit song at the end of each skit. This is a favorite among many kids!
Outside of VBS
Teaching our children the Bible and about the love of God is so important! That’s one of the reasons so much work is put into Vacation Bible School.
However, we should make it a point to always spending time teaching our children the Bible. It’s important to make that time at home a priority! Check out how we use our Bible time cabinet to help us keep our children engaged as we teach them the Bible.
Hosting Children’s Events for Church
If you enjoy creating events for children, you might enjoy hosting a back to school bash for kids at your church.
See how we hosted a simple Back to school bash at the park. See the free printables at the bottom of the post that you can use at your event!
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